The Handy, Dandy Roofer Blog

5 Surefire Signs You Need a Roofing Service Now

Is that drip-drip-drip noise keeping you up at night? Or have you spotted a suspicious bulge in your ceiling? Homeowners, it might be time to direct your gaze skyward—your roof could be in trouble. Here are five unmistakable signs that it’s time to call in the professionals.

1. Ceiling Stains and Water Damage

When you spot water damage on your ceiling, there’s a good chance your roof is in some sort of trouble. If you’ve got discolored patches, stains, or even peeling paint on the ceiling, it’s a clear indication that water is making its way into your home. This is often caused by a damaged or aged roof, loose or missing shingles, or poor waterproofing. Don’t ignore these signs; prolonged exposure to moisture can lead to mold growth, structural damage, and health hazards.

2. Algae and Moss Growth

While algae and moss on your roof may seem like a simple aesthetic issue, they actually indicate a bigger problem. Their presence signals that your roof may be retaining excess moisture, which can accelerate its decay. Additionally, the plant material of moss and algae can exacerbate damage when it decomposes and holds moisture against the surface. A professional service can assess the extent of the growth and the underlying causes and provide a solution that extends the life of your roof.

3. Sagging Roof Deck

If you notice that your roof’s structure is no longer straight and taut—there’s a noticeable droop or sag—this is a severe red flag. A sagging roof deck could be an indication of excessive weight from snow, ice, or water, or even rotting rafters or a potential compromise of the integrity of the roofing material. Immediate action is required to prevent a potential cave-in, as a structurally unsound roof endangers everyone in the home.

4. High Energy Bills

Unexpectedly, sky-high energy bills could be a sign that your roof is failing you and letting too much of the outside temperature into your living spaces. The cost of heating and cooling your home should be fairly predictable; if not, poor insulation due to roof damage is a possible culprit. Investing in a professional roofer to evaluate and repair any insulation and roofing issues can lead to significant long-term savings on your energy bills.

5. Granule Accumulation in Gutters

Roof shingles are usually covered in a layer of granules to protect the asphalt underneath from the elements. If you find that your gutters are accumulating more of these granules than usual, it’s a good indication that your roof’s shingles are nearing the end of their lifespan. This can lead to exposed areas of the roof that are much more prone to damage and leaks. Regularly check your gutters for granule accumulation, and when you start to see a significant amount, reach out to a roofing service for an assessment.

For more information, contact a company like Columbia Roofing Inc.