The Handy, Dandy Roofer Blog

4 Signs That You Should Replace Your Residential Windows

Your windows serve the functional purpose of ventilating the home and bringing in light. They are also instrumental to the home's overall aesthetics. If your windows look damaged and worn out, your entire home will appear older than it is. 

However, even windows that look new and relatively well-maintained can still have damages that could be costing you a lot in heat loss and other inconveniences. Therefore, it would be best to consider replacing your residential windows immediately after you notice these signs of damage. 

Visible Frame Damage

Most people realize that they need to replace their windows when they see visible damage on the window frames. The physical damage is usually an eyesore. If you live in an older home with wooden frames, your windows are likely to warp, crack and have peeling window polish. Aging and rotting window frames can be a risk to your safety because they might come crashing down at any time. 

Difficulty Opening and Closing Windows

Ideally, you want windows that offer seamless operations when opening and closing. But if the windows are old, you will notice that you have to use some effort to get them to open or close. 

If this is the case, it is time to call a residential window replacement expert. As the windows age, their parts warp and bend out of shape. However, fixing the damaged components can be pretty costly, and therefore the best way to deal with it is by replacing the entire unit. 

Skyrocketing Energy Bills

A rise in your energy bills is another telltale sign that your windows have suffered damages that require immediate attention. When the windows age, the seal that keeps the warm air in the room from escaping gets compromised, causing your heater to run longer to keep the house warm. You can stand close to the windows to test their insulating ability. If they feel considerably colder than the rest of the house, it is time for a replacement. 

During Remodeling

It might be helpful to install new windows during your general home remodeling. Doing this gives you a chance to get units that match the overall style and décor you choose for your new theme. Ask your contractor to help you choose efficient and aesthetically attractive windows.

Like any other component in a building, it is crucial to inspect your home windows from time to time. When you notice any of the signs above, it is advisable to immediately schedule a residential window replacement project with a professional window contractor. New windows save you time, money, and effort.